Utero & Cie Burnout

FRATERNIDADE | Utero  14 Setembro Teatro Aveirense

It’s a pleasure to find a creator that is curious to dive into the unknown and takes the risk to bring a deep journey such as Trance Dance into his creation process. Thank you Miguel Jorge Rosado Moreirafor taking that risk. I thank for the change that this step can bring to the artists and the evolution of the industry. It is rare to find creators that invest in providing rich experiences for the artists to get to know deeper aspects of themselves. What happens when the starting point of a creation is the end of that journey? 
Fraternidade, premiering next week, 14th at Teatro Aveirense | Portugal is a birth of that end.

Feeling grateful to be working in my on country after 9 years away. 
It’s a gift to be facilitating Trance Dance for Utero and being part of this creation alongside wonderful artists and people.

"A fraternidade talvez seja o elo mais forte que liga todos os seres humanos numa tentativa de se entenderem e de perceberem a diferença que existe em cada um de nós. Gostava de focar a peça no tempo e nos rituais de crescimento que nos fazem afirmar que uma pessoa é jovem, ou velha, ou que está na meia-idade. Na história de cada um que é inconfundível, mas que ao mesmo tempo se parece com tanta gente que conhecemos.
A mulher-sociedade, a mulher-mãe, a mulher. A mulher. O centro."

Uma Peça de Miguel Moreira, cocriação e interpretação de Francisco Camacho, Luís Guerra, Maria Fonseca, Miguel Moreira, Romeu Runa, Shadowmen

Música original Ricardo Toscano
Desenho de luz Rui Monteiro
Vídeo João Fonseca 
Fotografia Helena Gonçalves
Residências e lugares de ensaio -Estúdios Vitor Córdon/Espaço Gaivotas/Latoaria
Apoio Câmara Municipal de Lisboa – Espaço Gaivotas
Com o apoio do Governo Português Direção Geral das artes e co- produzida pelo Centro Cultural Vila Flor/ Festival Guidance/Cine Teatro Avenida/Teatro Aveirense/

Book & Find out: http://www.teatroaveirense.pt/evento_detalhe.asp?id=2140



QUINTETTE TOUR COUNTINUES with Cie Burnout 2018/19

16 October 2018, Centre Beaulieu, Poitiers, France

18 October 2018, Théâtre de Bressuire, Bressuire, France

31 January 2019, Collectif 12, Mantes-la-Jolie, France

5 February 2019, Maison de la Culture, Rodez, France

7 February 2019, Chai du Terral, Saint-Jean-de-Védaz, France

5 March 2019, Théâtre de Cornouaille, Scêne Nationale, Quimper, France

6 March 2019, Théâtre de Cornouaille, Scêne Nationale, Quimper, France

8 March 2019, Théâtre La Lucarne, Arradon, France

25 March 2019, Festival Le Grand Bain, Roubaix, France

17 May 2019, Espace des Arts, Scêne Nationale, Chalon-sur-Saône, France

Following on from Compact, Jann Gallois questions our capacity to live together in peace in Quintette. Whether it is within a group or on the scale of nations, union and separation seem to obey an unending cycle. Ruled by a score of extreme precision, Jann crosses choreographic and mathematical research with the goal of exploring the mechanism of union and disunion with five bodies. She does this because dance for Jann Gallois is above all seen music, a song of visual and graphic bodies.

Choreographer Jann Gallois Sound designers Alexandre Bouvier & Grégoire SimonLight designer Cyril Mulon Video mapping Alexandre Bouvier Costumes designer Marie-Cécile Viault Outside eye Frédéric Le Van Performers Maria Fonseca, Jann Gallois, Erik Lobelius, Amaury Réot and Aure Wachter Production Cie BurnOut

Coproductions Chaillot – Théâtre National de la Danse • Le Théâtre de Rungis • Ballet de l’Opéra national du Rhin – Centre Chorégraphique National / Mulhouse dans le cadre du dispositif Accueil Studio 2017 • Festival de danse de Cannes • CDCN Atelier de Paris – Carolyn Carlson • CDCN POLE-SUD – Strasbourg dans le cadre de l’Accueil Studio • Centre Chorégraphique National de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne / Compagnie Käfig direction Mourad Merzouki dans le cadre de l’Accueil Studio • CDCN Les Hivernales dans le cadre de l’Accueil Studio • Théâtre Louis Aragon, scène conventionnée pour la danse de Tremblay-en-France • La Briqueterie / CDCN du Val-de-Marne • Escales danse en Val d’Oise • Théâtre de Suresnes Jean Vilar / Suresnes Cités Danse 2018 • Théâtre des 2 Rives de Charenton-le-Pont • Réseau CREAT’YVE – Réseau des théâtres de villes des Yvelines • Le Prisme – Centre de développement artistique de Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines • Centre de la Danse Pierre Doussaint, Les Mureaux – Communauté urbaine Grand Paris Seine et Oise • Collectif 12 • Département de la Seine-Saint-Denis

Supports Région Ile-de-France • Caisse des dépôts et consignations • Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines • Conseil départemental du Val-de-Marne pour l’aide à la création • Adami • Spedidam • Fondation BNP Paribas

Residencies CDCN Le Pacifique – Grenoble • Espace Germinal – Fosses • Le Théâtre de Rungis

Book & Find out: https://www.cieburnout.com/en/tour-dates

becomedance |



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